Today’s Menu: Egg paratha

I’m not a big foodie, but I feel free to take an off from my routine and check something on the street.  I do  it quite often; I just don’t write about it.  Food is not my forte; I like to have it rather than to write about it.

Egg Paratha Stall at IT Park, Nagpur.

But this place I saw today was really yummy. I had an “egg paratha” here that was quite classy; I haven’t had such a taste in a long while.  It was really something different from the routine noodles, Manchurian, masala dosa, veg pulao, panipuri, sevpuri, pasta, pizza, veg puff, sweet corn, red pasta, chocolate fantasy, etc; and I like anything served with tomato ketchup!

Continue reading “Today’s Menu: Egg paratha”

I would rather not…

I am being too cautious about the topics for my new posts for the last few days. Would my readers like it? Is it worth writing? In this state of mind, I am not writing the things I really want to and instead writing the stuff that I would not write otherwise. For example, I would have written about how I found about the degree confluence project, how Kailash prepared for it and finally reached to the confluence point 23 N 82 E.  Or may be how I fascinated was about the OpenStreetMaps project for a while and how the I came back to Google Maps? Or may be how I got frustrated with the state of things and how I tried to make Yippe noodles for me last evening to keep my mind engaged! And I would certainly not have written about the Osho story I wrote in the last post, I mostly avoid copy paste, and it was merely a translation!!

I like people reading my blog, I like the people subscribing and coming back again, and I appreciate them from my heart. I like to fancy about the number of hits my blog gets, and it’s what keeps me writing, but still it’s the same thing that makes me forget it is a personal blog, it was started to write my heart out, and not to get popular.

Yesterday, I was randomly surfing through WordPress. I searched for the term apathy and stumbled upon a blog post. It was really an honest outburst about things going on in the author’s life. I wished I could be that much honest, though I know it is too difficult, if not impossible, with the name I hold. I was in the office then and had no time to write a full-fledged comment, so I just wrote “too honest!!” The author of the post took my comment completely wrong, rejected it in comment moderation, and instead wrote a new post: “It’s my blog. I would write what I want to, even if it is raw and immature. I don’t care if you find it too honest to read. If it is too honest, don’t read it and don’t comment at all.” Though she took it in a wrong way, she was still honest with her feelings; she told me outright what she felt, may be raw, but straight!!

What the shit I am writing? I am a 27-year-old, a grown up! I must learn to keep a mask on my face!!

P.S. Dear Mayur/Gaurav, I am sure you won’t take it personally. I just wrote it because I was afraid I don’t want it to happen with this blog what happened to my last one.

It’s a hectic Diwali!

It’s Diwali.  I will be in the office tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Hope all work gets done by then.  The next day, Thursday, a full working day, and in the evening I will be leaving for home for Bhau-beej.  I have applied for leave on Friday and Saturday.  Sunday will be an off.  Again, I will have to get back at work on Monday at 6:30 in the morning.

In between,  on Thursday night I will be leaving from here; will reach home on Friday morning.  Friday Bhau beej.  I will have Saturday free; planning to spend some time with Master; may be we’ll go on a little walk by the riverside, or a bike ride.  Again on Sunday, I will be on a way-back journey.  The trains and buses will be fully loaded, it’s a festival season.

And the distance–it’s about 328 km from here–to and fro 656 km; return journey may be by bus (yaack!! buses make me sick), just to reach office Monday on time.

It’s Diwali.  It wished there were no Diwali this year; I haven’t even done my shopping and I have literally nothing to wear tomorrow and I’ll have to reach office at 6:30 a.m.

Happy Diwali 😐

Origin of Nag River!

There is an ancient Marathi saying that goes like “You must not try to find the origin of a river and the ancestry of a sage.”  They may have their reasons to say that, but I wanted to find the origin of Nag River for my Wikipedia article.  I tried to explore the city with Google Earth going back through the course of the River, but could not locate the river past Maharajbag.  I could find where the river got lost in all the Google Earth greenery.  I could see another tributary and pours in the river somewhere near Buldi, but it had no definite source found.

The next option was to look in Google Maps, map version, not satellite.  And the map took me to the place where I had not only been to previously, but had also taken some photos.  In fact, the wall through which the Ambazari Lake goes overflow is the origin of the Nag River.

So here is the origin of Nag River for all of you:

Overflowing Ambazari Lake origin of Nag River

Leave me a reply if you find it useful.  Also, tell me if I have made an error.  You can also see this image on Panoramio to get the exact location in Google Maps and Google Earth.