I got an IQ of 137

I got an IQ of 137.  I know it doesn’t mean anything.  The number of intelligence quotient was never a sole criteria to be a successful person.  It may just suggest the person has really got some “serious problem!”  Whatever it means – it feels good to have such score, even more when you see yourself mostly good for nothing!


It was an online test.  I don’t know the methodology, what type of scoring model they used etc.  I would perhaps not care for that.  For a person who stays mostly recluse, it’s good to have something to console himself with.

I had taken a similar test years ago and had got 139 then.  These two marks less I don’t know if those are because of my increased age, different methodology, or just because my “intelligence” didn’t grow matching up with my age.  Also, there were one or two questions where after hitting submit I felt I could have chosen different answer, but that’s part of the game.

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